
Canals, R.M., Duran, M., Mugica, L., San Emeterio, L. 2019. Training future researchers: introducing ecological and environmental science to the school. Ecosistemas 28(2): 116-119. Doi.: 10.7818/ECOS.1794 Despite its growing social relevance, ecological and environmental science is declining in high-school educational programs in Spain. In many schools, this matter does not exist in higher courses and, in elementary courses, the teaching methods used do not promote student motivation for learning. Due to the limited value that this science is receiving in the formal education, a low number of students is opting for a career related to the natural sciences. This article describes an educational experience carried out by the Ecology and Environment research group of the Public University of Navarra (UPNA) and funded by the Department of Education of the Government of Navarra, in which we introduced the work of an environmental scientist to 12 girls from four schools. The aim was to raise their interest in this scientific field, to convey through them this science to their classmates, and finally to deepen with the school teachers in this educational problem.

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