
Modern information technologies provide text manipulation processes with high efficiency. First of all, this means storing, editing, and formatting texts and their components. Having achieved significant success in developing tools for content-free computer text processing, researchers faced problems with their content processing. Therefore, further steps in this direction are associated with the creation, among other things, of methods for automated purposeful manipulation of texts, taking into account their content. The analysis of works devoted to the study of the problems of formal presentation of texts and their subsequent use is carried out. Despite a number of successful projects, the challenges of solving the problem of the relationship between the content of the text and its meaning remain relevant. It seems that formalization of a General-purpose text while preserving its semantics is not feasible at this stage. However, there are types of texts that can be formalized while preserving their semantics. One of them is a regulatory text type, which is essentially a verbally expressed algorithm for a sequence of targeted actions. It is distinguished by logic and accuracy (lack of allegories), coherence and integrity, clarity, understandability (due to the lack of emotional coloring and figurative means), accessibility (due to the use of specific terminology). In other words, when developing regulatory texts, they usually try to display the mechanisms of the described actions as clearly as possible. Purpose: development of a method for formalizing a regulatory text while preserving its semantics. Methods: structural linguistics, representation of objects in the form of an ontology, constructive algorithms. The use of this method is demonstrated by describing the solution of a system of algebraic equations. Results: method for constructing a mathematical model of a regulatory text. Practical relevance: the application of the developed method makes it possible to develop software systems for building libraries of individual subject areas, develop tools for evaluating regulatory texts for their certainty, completeness, connectivity and other characteristics, as well as simulators and self-learning tools.


  • Ставится задача формализации текста со стремлением сохранить исходное содержание при передаче, делается попытка открыть новые возможности формирования баз знаний для перспективных систем искусственного интеллекта

  • Purpose: development of a method for formalizing a regulatory text while preserving its semantics

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При этом успех процессов восприятия и передачи смысла (того, что может быть понято) обусловлен тем, в какой мере совпадают возможности восприятия информации данного контекста у автора и читателя что в свою очередь зависит и от того, как построен сам текст, то есть из каких компонентов и связей между ними он состоит. Именно поэтому многие авторы считают, что разработать методику формализации произвольного текста при достаточно высоком уровне сохранения его содержания вряд ли возможно [24]. Именно в силу свой специфики такие тексты в наибольшей мере подходят для разработки методов их записи на формальном языке, обеспечивая при этом достаточно высокий уровень сохранения содержания текста.

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