
The article deals with the issue of the mathematical description of the repair component of the life cycle of the EPL9t electric train. At present, the development and use of the concept of the life cycle of traction rolling stock of railway transport is given considerable attention by both equipment manufacturers and its users. For Ukrainian railways, this scientific direction is especially relevant due to the fact that traction rolling stock is significantly worn out both physically and morally. This necessitates the rapid renewal of railway equipment through the acquisition of samples of domestic or foreign production. The feasibility study for choosing an alternative option for updating technology in world practice is based on the concept of the life cycle. The life cycle of an electric train covers a significant period of time. It includes both repair and operational components. The repair component is associated with carrying out technological measures to maintain it in a technically sound condition and periodically renew its original technical characteristics. This is facilitated by a system of scheduled preventive repairs. The determining factors in this case are the durability and maintainability of equipment. The results of forecasting long-term investment projects for the renewal of railway equipment depend on how accurately the technical and economic assessment of this component is given. The mathematical description is based on the standards of the preventive maintenance system for the repair of traction rolling stock of Ukrainian railways and, in particular, the electric train of the EPL9t series. The analysis of the operational factors of the use of the electric train, influencing the formation of the repair component of the life cycle, was carried out. A feasibility study using the proposed mathematical approach quite accurately estimates the repair component of the life cycle. The economic assessment of the repair component of the EPL9t series electric train was made according to the conditions of a specific route served by it during the life cycle. The results obtained will be used in the future to develop a complete mathematical model of the life cycle of an electric train.

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