
This paper provides the syntax and semantics for a systematic approach to the problem of analysing control-flow paths in computer programs. We give an abstract syntax and a partial correctness semantics for program control-flow paths as a generic model for path analysis and constraint derivation. This approach is formally based on a predicate transformer semantics over a boolean-valued predicate space and an abstract command language. The notions of a command, dead commands, the entry and exit conditions of a command and the inverse of a command are formally defined and investigated on the base of the semantics. A notion of command refinement is introduced capturing the abstraction process in program development from specification to implementation with partial correctness. Furthermore, command-reduction theorems and characterisations for command refinement are derived using the underlying semantics. Finally we verify the equivalence of weakest liberal precondition and strongest postcondition semantics for program commands in terms of the ordering relation they define on the command language. The approach is generic in that it is applicable to any program language that can be supplied with a predicate transformer semantics.

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