
22 letters of 1900—1918 by D.V. Ulyaninsky (1861—1918) addressed to bibliophiles, publishers and collectors are published: B.S. Bodnarsky, L.E. Buchheim, N.P. Likhachev, M.Ya. Paradelov, P.K. Simoni, A.S. Suvorin, V.K. Trutovsky, V.G. Ulyaninsky. They are kept in the Department of Manuscripts of the Russian State Library, the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art, the St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and contain valuable information about the formation and fate of the library, as well as the collection of ex-libris D.V. Ulyaninsky, his publishing activities, cooperation with public organizations, personal ties, lifestyle and style of communication. These sources can be used to study the history of bibliophilia, bibliography, antique book trade and in general the intellectual life of Russia in the early XX century.

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