
Foreword Gary Kline Dear Readers: This issue is to be my last as editor-in-chief of our journal. My tenure as editor has been both personally rewarding and a labor of love. It is my hope that our founder, Harold Isaacs, would have been pleased with the current state of the journal. He spent more than thirty years building it up and establishing its reputation as an internationally respected publication. Before he passed, I promised him that his friends and admirers would do all in our power to continue his legacy. It was also very important to me that my friends and colleagues of the association be proud of our journal. With a great deal of help from many fine people, I have done my best to keep my promise to Dr. Isaacs and I believe that the journal is on firm footing today. So it is time to pass along the position of editor to a fresh, new talent, Dr. Ryan Alexander. The job demands a large commitment of time and energy, so I count myself lucky to have found a very capable and willing successor. I am confident that Dr. Alexander will be an excellent editor and I wish him all the best. On behalf of all AGSS members and JGSS subscribers worldwide, I would like to express my gratitude to the associate editors of the journal. Without the dedication and superlative scholarship, skills, and abilities of Srobana Bhattacharya (Asia), Fodei Batty (Africa), Michael Hall (book reviews), Jacek Lubecki (Middle East), Ryan Alexander (Latin America), and Jason Strakes (Eurasia), JGSS would not enjoy its present scope and quality. My thanks, as well, to past associate editors with whom I have worked, Yi Sun, Peter Dumbuya, and Chaitram Singh. I have truly been blessed to work with such a competent and fine group of scholars. Sincere thanks to all of you. I also wish to extend thanks to Sara Abernathy, our very able editorial assistant. She has contributed very significantly to improving the quality of our journal. We are also very grateful to Georgia Southwestern State University and the GSW Foundation for their continuing financial support for our journal. As our [End Page vii] home institution, their commitment has both material and spiritual importance for us. Our copy editor, Kate Babbitt, is quite simply the best at her job and an inspiration. Additionally, I wish to warmly thank Lauren Phillips, journals manager for University Press of Florida, for her excellent production work and assistance. It has been a delight to work with her. The association was established in order to provide an international structure for the humane and scientific study of peoples, problems, and issues in the world's developing countries, with the ultimate goal of improving quality of life. The late Dr. Harold Isaacs, professor emeritus of history at Georgia Southwestern State University in Americus, Georgia, founded the Association of Third World Studies (ATWS), Inc., in 1983. The association now has a global membership and chapters in South Asia and Africa. In the summer of 2016, following a vote of the members of the association, ATWS was renamed the Association of Global South Studies (AGSS). As ATWS, the association began its history as an institution in 1991 when, under the newly ratified ATWS constitution, elected officials assumed responsibility for the management of the organization. Since 1992, the executive headquarters have been located at Georgia Southern University (1992–2003), Mississippi State University (2003–2006), and Louisiana State University-Shreveport (2006–). Because of the dedicated and energetic leadership of Zia H. Hashmi and Paul Rodell at Georgia Southern, Shu-hui Wu at Mississippi State, and William Pederson at LSU-Shreveport, AGSS has made great progress as a global, professional organization. In 1995, the United Nations recognized the success of AGSS by granting it UN "consultative status," thus enabling the association to increase its direct impact on world development. AGSS has an established website on the internet (http://apps.gsw.edu/atws/). This site will soon be revamped totally. Membership in AGSS is open to any person interested in studying the developing countries. Yearly membership dues are $60.00, which includes an annual subscription to JGSS. The yearly subscription rate...

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