
SUMMARY Despite the great social, economic and environmental diversity in countries of Africa South of Sahara (SSA), forestry research issues and advances are quite similar. This is partly influenced by their history of forest resource ownership and management. In most countries, governments own and manage forest resources. Forestry research institutes are in many countries very tiny departments or units within huge ministries or agricultural research organizations. Their visibility, much less their effectiveness in that position is slight, because they are also poorly staffed and financed. The research vacuum is so noticeable that non-forestry institutions are moving into forestry research. The little available forestry research capacity is poorly managed. The few competent researchers are increasingly getting involved in administrative functions and also looking out for more rewarding posts. Economic policies imposed by global financial institutions constrain the recruitment of young scientists to take up forestry research now and in the future. Although universities are by far better resourced, their efforts are rarely linked with those of other national research institutes. They operate independently, often far removed from real world issues. Some research institutes have developed their research agendas with the help of global stakeholders, but these have largely remained unimplemented for lack of resources even though much on-going work is donor-driven. Also there remains a serious gap between forestry research and development. Research institutes do not have the capacity to apply their findings. At the same time, they lack links with agricultural extension services or non-government organizations (NGOs) to get their messages to stakeholders, especially the farmers. This limits the usefulness of those results that do trickle out from forestry research. Unless action is taken to rebuild forestry research capacity in SSA, their forest resources will not contribute effectively to the welfare of people in the region.

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