
We examine the statistical properties of a forest sampling strategy that combines methods of fixed- and variable-radius plot sampling. Circular fixed-radius plots are established at the same locations as variable-radius plots to take advantage of their known efficiencies for unbiasedly estimating stem density and basal area, respectively. The design eliminates the need for measuring stem diameters, except to check borderline trees on variable-radius plots. Separate controls on allowable error for stem density and basal area estimates are possible. An unbiased estimator of volume (Vol) is derived that uses an existing volume equation having the form Vol = a + bd2h, where d is tree diameter at breast height, h is tree height, and a and b are model parameters. Calculation of volume requires only the measurement of heights for those trees tallied on the variable-radius plots. Properties of the estimator are demonstrated for a mixed-species hardwood forest in the southern Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina, USA.

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