
Oil sands developments release acidifying compounds (SO2 and NO2) with the potential for acidifying deposition and impacts to forest health. This article integrates the findings presented in the Oil Sands Forest Health Special Issue, which reports on the results of 20 years of forest health monitoring, and addresses the key questions asked by WBEA's Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) Program: 1) is there evidence of deposition affecting the environment?, 2) have there been changes in deposition or effects over time?, 3) do acid deposition levels require management intervention?, 4) what are major sources of deposited substances? and 5) how can the program be improved?Deposition of sulphur, nitrogen, base cations (BC), polycyclic aromatic compounds and trace elements decline exponentially with distance from sources. There is little evidence for acidification effects on forest soils or on understory plant communities or tree growth, but there is evidence of nitrogen accumulation in jack pine needles and fertilization effects on understory plant communities. Sulphur, BC and trace metal concentrations in lichens increased between 2008 and 2014. Source apportionment studies suggest fugitive dust in proximity to mining is a primary source of BC, trace element and organic compound deposition, and BC deposition may be neutralizing acidifying deposition. Sulphur accumulation in soils and nitrogen effects on vegetation may indicate early stages of acidification. Deposition estimates for sites close to emissions sources exceed proposed regulatory trigger levels, suggesting a detailed assessment of acidification risk close to the emission sources is warranted. However, there is no evidence of widespread acidification as suggested by recent modeling studies, likely due to high BC deposition. FHM Program evolution should include continued integration with modeling approaches, ongoing collection and assessment of monitoring data and testing for change over time, and addition of monitoring sites to fill gaps in regional coverage.

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