
Abstract: Continuous fire has a lot of plant and animal species to extinction, the Gov. has brought about little change apart from introducing a few forest mens and conducting a few surveys. But controls the forest fire is an exceptionally difficult task, but without the help of new technology. To remedy this, we are going to make a replica model of smart forest fire detection system that can help Gov. and Fire Authority in the monitoring and surveillance of forests fires. In our project, we have developed a forest fire detection and alert system. Our flame sensor is to detect the fire . The ESP 8266 is coded in a way that it on the GPS after detection of fire . connected Telegram dashboard will display the fire status on screen and alert the authorities. We have used NODE MCU(ESP 8266), GPS module. The NODE MCU gets fire detection input using the flame sensor, then using the GPS module it sends signal output to Telegram account. Next, using Telegram it processes the signal detection and shows respected output on screen. It then shows the result of the fire status of forest. All this information will saves on Telegram database for further analysis. So, in this way, our smart forest fire detection system keeps track on forest , detect fire and alert authorities on time and creates a database with previous fire statistics of the forest.

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