
SUMMARY The Forests Department of Western Australia has directed particular attention over the past fifteen years to the development of an adequate fire control organisation for the protection of large areas of regenerated forest and plantations, in addition to extensive tracts of virgin Eucalypt forest which are supporting a large sawmilling industry. Extensive controlled burning of firebreak belts and dangerous hazards is carried out annually during the spring and autumn months, and during the fire danger season outbreaks of fire occurring in and around State Forests under intensive management are immediately suppressed. Early and accurate detection, rapid access to all parts of the forest, and the employment of trained, experienced fire fighters form the basis of successful supppression. Eighteen towers, four tree lookouts and a number of houses on vantage points in the forest provide facilities for accurate detection; the main routes of access embrace 2,260 miles of forest roads and 5,780 miles of trafficable firelines; 1,030 miles of departmental telephone line and 490 telephones arc used for communication, while twenty-four departmental motor trucks arc equipped with water supplies and fire fighting implements and are constantly available in the summer months for the transport of field working parties engaged in silvicultural work. These workmen, who are trained in fire suppression methods, are provided with home and school facilities for their families in small settlements established in the forests. Valuable assistance in fire suppression is rendered by local settlers and timber workers, and provision is made for their transport by hired vehicles, and the supply of standard departmental fire fighting equipment. These volunteers are given training in the use of equipment and fire fighting methods at the commencement of each fire season. Annual fire losses during the last few years have been confined to less than 0.03% of the area protected.

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