
Many migrants perish on dangerous journeys in search of a better life around the world. However, little is being done to identify these individuals.Forensic science has successfully been used to identify individuals following mass-casualty incidents such as 9/11, the Boxing Day tsunami and the Balkans war. In these cases, and many others, forensic scientists have given evidence in international tribunals and helped to provide answers to families searching for their loved ones.The international forensic science community is beginning to respond to this humanitarian crisis and attempting to identify decedent migrants. However, due to the complex nature of the migrant situation there are practical limitations to some conventional identification methods such as dental records and DNA profiling. Antemortem data can be difficult to gather.DNA profiling is still the gold standard technology for human identification. However, the limitations of conventional forensic identification methods in the migrant context may mean that innovative, new scientific techniques are required.

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