
It would be hard to imagine any significant criminal investigation today to which some aspect of forensic science did not contribute. But does this mean forensic science is used effectively in the broader justice system? Media headlines abound with criticisms of forensic work delaying the justice process. DNA is often held up as the gold standard to which other aspects of forensic science should aspire. The recently released US National Academies Report, Strengthening forensic science in the US: a path forward1, raised significant concerns about the knowledge baseand practice of forensic science, at least as it is conducted in the US. So where does the truth lie? Is forensic science robust and reliable? Is forensic science effective and/or efficient in support of criminal investigation? This article explores these issues and offers some thoughts for the forensic profession but also challenges the justice system community to develop a more collegiate approach to the use of forensic science to improve its efficiency in supporting the criminal justice system.

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