
Parkinsonism is a neurodegenerative syndrome that causes impairment of motor skills in affected persons. Thus, adverse effects may be produced in the handwriting of persons suffering from Parkinsonism. Medication used for the treatment of Parkinsonism is known to subside certain motor defects for specific time intervals, showing slight differences or improvement in certain handwriting characteristics during those intervals on the same day as compared to the ones executed before medication. Certain handwriting characteristics affected due to Parkinsonism may be mistaken as forged features due to poor line quality, which can cause suspicion upon the authenticity of important legal documents. The present research work has been carried out to determine the effects of Parkinsonism and medication used for its treatment on handwriting. Handwriting/signature samples executed before and after the onset of Parkinsonism (both pre- and post-medication) have been randomly collected from 70 participants. These handwritings have been evaluated separately and compared inter-se for various handwriting characteristics with qualitative and statistical approach. The results have demonstrated significant changes in most of the characteristics in both affected writings of majority of participants as compared to their corresponding earlier writings. Thus, forensic document experts should be aware of the detrimental effects of Parkinsonism on handwriting in pre- and post-medication conditions of this ailment.

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