
This research purpose is to summarize information on the main directions of using DNA analysis in the practice of detection and investigation of crimes used in different countries, consider possibilities of these areas and the state of their implementation in domestic investigative and forensic expert practice and formulate the author’s vision of prospects for the further development of theoretical and applied aspects of forensic DNA research in Ukraine.
 Traditional DNA profiling methods based on STR locus analysis and mtDNA SNP research are described, information on the application of the latest technologies for searching relatives by DNA profile bases and determining the age and biogeographical origin of human DNA, as well as methods of mass parallel DNA sequencing and performing rapid DNA profile tests. It was noted that main obstacle to the further development of DNA analysis in Ukraine is the lack of proper legal regulation that hinders formation of effective national database of DNA profiles. Attention is drawn to the obvious lack of scientific support for DNA research in Ukraine.
 Ways to solve existing issues in this area are proposed, in particular: promote relevant knowledge among law enforcement officers to minimize typical errors in handling of traces of biological origin; make changes in the criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine for the purpose of proper adjustment of issues of sampling of biological samples and carrying out rapid analyzes on a DNA profile; take measures to expand the tool base and real capabilities of forensic genetics laboratories.

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