
The prevalence of criminal cases against women is not first-hand with statistical data from the National Crime Records Bureau in India proclaiming an even rise in cases of domestic violence. Despite numerous laws to protect women against various crimes including rape, sexual harassment, dowry death, etc., there is less respite from violence toward women in India. Indian society needs to stand up and address the existence of many socio-cultural reasons for crime against women apart from literacy to lower these crime statistics. Forensic experts play a pivotal role in the scientific examination of evidence to support the criminal justice system which in the end affects the lives of millions of female victims. A case of attempted domestic homicide is presented wherein a 21-year-old married female was poisoned with some unknown substance laced in her milk by her in-laws. This case is of interest to the scientific community as well as to persons working within the medical and judiciary fraternity.Case history: A married woman aged 21 years alleged her in-laws including her husband of attempt to murder her by giving her milk laced with some unknown substance. She had severe vomiting after drinking milk where she noticed some shining materials in the vomitus. The vomitus and the gastric lavage were analyzed subsequently.Methodology: Physical and Chemical Examinations including visual analysis and solubility, odour, etc were initially conducted on the exhibits (Gastric Lavage and Vomitus samples) and results were further confirmed by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry.Results: An abnormally high level of mercury i.e. 9.88 ppm and 332.15 ppm were detected in Gastric lavage and vomitus respectively.Conclusion: The various scientific investigations determined that the female had been poisoned by using mercury justifying the essential role of forensics in linking shreds of evidence scientifically.

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