
Welcome to Forensic Anthropology , the only journal devoted to the advancement of the science and professional development of the fields of forensic anthropology and forensic archaeology. Forensic Anthropology is an inclusive venue created to foster professional discussions about research, policy, and the application of forensic anthropology globally. Issues will (at least initially) be published quarterly and available in electronic and print format. Subscription information, submission instructions, and other details can be found on the journal’s website: http://journals.upress.ufl.edu/fa. The following correction has been made to this article: Erratum: The impact factors for Forensic Science International and the Journal of the American Medical Association were incorrectly listed in the editors’ introduction. The correct impact factors for the journals, from the 2016 Journal Citation Reports © , are as follows: Forensic Science International: 1.989 Journal of the American Medical Association: 44.405

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