
Older buildings, including those designated as cultural heritage sites, are extremely susceptible to damage. The severity of these potential problems can be determined after conducting a thorough identification of the site. Many different factors can cause damage to these structures. Maintenance of cultural heritage buildings must be done through routine or periodic examinations to determine the condition of the building. This study aims to estimate the condition and value of reconstruction of the Immanuel Church as a cultural heritage building, as well as determine the causes and effects of the damage. Building reliability is measured using scoring and weight systems, based on Building Research Establishment Digest 268 of 1988. The result of this examination of the church building's construction components shows a decrease in quality. The highest quality reduction was found on the roof coverings (24.3%), followed by the flat roof and chamfer (20.4%), then the structural construction system (19.0%). Based on these examination results, we determined that the reliability value of Gereja Blenduk Semarang Church Building was 70.9%, assuming moderate maintenance conditions.

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