
The article is devoted to the problem of a foreign-language speech culture formation. The relevance of the topic is caused by the fact that the transformations that took place in society open up new opportunities for intercultural interaction. Thus, the key task of the modern education is the formation of a competent and qualified specialist who is able to realize himself not only in his own country, but also abroad. Based on this provision, the main point of the pedagogical training is the development of a purposeful and active specialist, who is capable of self-regulation and has main professional psychological characteristics. One of the key components of a future linguist`s professionalism is a foreign-language speech culture, that is a combination of the properties and qualities of speech. Therefore, the main idea of this research is an examination of the foreign-language speech culture. This study is based on a retrospective analysis of the scientific and pedagogical works of famous linguists and psychologists, and it reveal the essence and component composition of foreign-language speech culture. Foreign-language speech culture is a qualitative characteristic of the subject of pedagogical activity, that includes communicative knowledge, skills and abilities that determine the level of competence of the future teacher and the success of his professional activity. The effectiveness of the foreign-language speech culture formation depends on the presence of cognitive, developmental, educational and educational aspects in the system of foreign language studying. It is believed that the student has mastered a foreign language speech culture only if he has equally mastered the content components of all the aspects we have listed.

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