
The study of language is as much a part of linguistics as it is of sociolinguistics. After all, language is a social phenomenon and operates within the paradigm of society and culture. Taking off from here, we observed in the course of our informal interviews and interactions with the native and the foreign populations of Saudi Arabia that communication was at a grave loss as neither of the two could arrive at a language that acted as a facilitator rather than a barrier to communication. More specifically, we undertook the study of a new register, ‘Foreigner Talk’ in order to highlight the problem areas in this type of communication set up. Direct empirical data went on to prove our hypotheses correct: Natives who are in constant contact of ‘foreigners’ needed training in linguistics in order to communicate well with the latter and contribute constructively towards building the image of KSA. In the current situation, there is an atmosphere of suspicion and mis-communication leading to loss of image and, at times, finances to the Kingdom of Saudi Arab. We have ventured into making certain recommendations for optimum correction of the imbalance. The researcher is convinced that sustained effort as recommended will positively influence the situation.

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