
JEFFREY D. and HUBBARD N. J. (1988) Foreign tourism, the hotel industry and regional economic performance, Reg. Studies 22, 319–329. The importance of foreign tourism for the English hotel industry and the economy is demonstrated. A time series principal components analysis of monthly overseas visitor arrival rates in 266 hotels in England in 1984 and 1985 shows the extreme localization of overseas visitor flows and the economic benefits which accrue. It is argued that if the predicted growth in overseas visitors is to be fully exploited and effectively managed so as to reduce inter-regional imbalances, rather than contributing to them, there is a need for more effective marketing of provincial hotels and centres. The analysis suggests where such initiatives might be directed. JEFFREY D. et HUBBARD N. J. (1988) Tourisme etranger hotellerie et performance economique regionale, Reg. Studies 22, 319–329. On demontre l'importance du tourisme etranger pour l'hotellerie en Angleterre et pour l'economic. Une ana...

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