
In order to develop an effective national model of public control over police activities in general and to clarify the main aspects of interaction between the public and the police, the article analyzes the foreign experience of public control over police activities and highlights the ways of its implementation in Ukraine.
 The systematic basis of the study of forms of public control over police activities in foreign countries and the methods of their implementation is the principle of selectivity, the basis of which is the study of the international experience of politically, economically, and socially successful countries (France, Great Britain, Germany, the USA, Canada, Japan) in in which the public is actively involved in police activities.
 As a result of the study, separate ways of implementing foreign experience in public control of police activities were proposed, in particular, the expediency was determined: to define and normatively establish the grounds, forms and methods of involving citizens in the protection of public order in the new Law of Ukraine «On Public Participation in the Protection of Public Order», which needs development and adoption; to regulate in the Law «On the National Police» one of the forms of public control over police activities - participation of citizens on a voluntary basis in the protection of public order, detection, recording and investigation of the circumstances of commission of offenses and crimes and taking measures to eliminate the causes and conditions of their commission; to develop and adopt state and municipal programs for public participation in public order and security, which should determine effective, not formal grounds, forms and procedures for such activities, including establishing the mechanism of interaction between the police and the public in this area; to create the Association for the Support of Police Activities as a public organization created on a voluntary basis by citizens to participate in the activities of the police, including to improve the provision of police services to the population and public control over police activities.

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