
In the context of continuous urbanization and the formation of urban development strategies, It is necessary to carefully consider the possible impact of this process on social integration. It is known that some cities have successfully used urbanization as a tool for increasing social inclusion, which, in turn, has made them leaders in the field of quality of life. There are several examples of successful urbanization that has led to social integration, and these cities have become leaders in quality of life and comfortable living conditions. Cities such as Vienna (Austria), Melbourne (Australia), Copenhagen (Denmark) and others have developed programs that take into account the needs of all segments of the population when planning the future growth and development of their cities. One of the key aspects that these successful cities prioritize is access to basic services such as education, health, culture, and other social amenities. By ensuring equal access for all members of society, they create a more inclusive environment where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. In addition, these cities often implement policies aimed at reducing inequality by addressing issues such as affordable housing or public transportation.
 While urbanization involves many challenges, including environmental issues or infrastructure burden, it is clear that prioritizing inclusion in urban development leads to better outcomes for all participants. The success stories of leading cities around the world should serve as inspiration for policy makers seeking to build more inclusive communities in their jurisdictions.
 From a public administration perspective, moving to an inclusive city model is essential for shaping a better future and involves developing policies that promote accessibility, equality, and participation for all residents of the country.

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