
1. 1. From the pioneer work in foreign body problems by Chevalier Jackson, his contemporaries and students, has come a fundamental understanding of the pathologic physiology of bronchopulmonary disease. 2. 2. Foreign bodies must be considered in every differential diagnosis of bronchopulmonary disease. This is particularly true in those cases with an obscure etiology or in those cases in which response to treatment is not what experience has taught you to expect. 3. 3. The most important factor in the incidence of foreign bodies is carelessness on the part of the patient or the responsible adult. Children are the greatest offenders and should be carefully supervised in their eating habits and play. Vegetal foreign bodies are most commonly found. 4. 4. A positive history with negative physical examination and x-rays demands diagnostic bronchoscopy. The symptomless interval is misleading. 5. 5. Foreign body extraction should be carried out only after proper study and preparation, and with adequate instrumentarium and assistance unless asphyxia or fatality is imminent. 6. 6. The vast majority of foreign bodies can be removed successfully via peroral bronchoscopy with complete asymptomatic recovery.

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