
In article internal political development of Ukraine which happened for more than quarter of the century of modern history is investigated and also the main directions of foreign policy of the country are analyzed. For the period which has passed from the moment of the collapse of the USSR in 1991 political development of Ukraine was followed by the conflicts, cardinal changes of the constitution. Bitter struggle went between executive and legislative branches of the power which sought to strengthen the positions due to redistribution of powers. Besides, heated debates went between supporters of the unitary device of Ukraine and adherents of federalization. The last saw a guarantee of maintaining territorial integrity of the country and a way of achievement of political stability in transition to the federal beginnings. This problem was especially relevant for the Ukrainian state which owing to historical development and formation of the modern territory, has inherited interregional contradictions. It was especially accurately shown during the periods of political events of 2004 and 2014, having fully reflected the available problems connected with fight of regional elite. Despite political shocks, the Ukrainian elite of the western and east regions supported unitary development of Ukraine, seeing in it a possibility of receiving complete control over the state institutes and financial flows. Ignoring of opportunities of the federal device was shown in 2014 when tough rejection of the radical nationalist parties which have carried out a coup in Kiev has caused a wave of protest performances in southeast regions. The subsequent political struggle between Kiev and regions of the East of Ukraine has developed into armed conflict. However, despite it, the official Ukrainian authorities haven't changed the negative attitude to a possibility of federalization of the state. It is difficult and contradictory the foreign policy of Ukraine which generally carried a westernized course was formed. Despite the short periods of rapprochement with Russia that strengthened criticism from opposition forces, the Ukrainian power adhered to a pro-European course, considering him as a guarantee of independent development and creation of a counterbalance of Russia. Similar approach has affected foreign policy priorities of Ukraine which expanded cooperation with the countries taking a hard line in relation to Russia. Finally, strengthening of the anti-Russian rhetoric from official Kiev has led to cooling of the Russian-Ukrainian relations which have ceased to have character of strategic partnership, and then and has led to tough opposition of two countries. In recent years the attention of the Ukrainian policy is directed to strengthening of the relations with the European countries. This vector has amplified after change of the power in Ukraine in 2014 when the Ukrainian authorities have headed for expansion of cooperation with the EU, of the USA and began to make efforts for rapprochement with NATO.


  • For the period which has passed from the moment of the collapse

  • of the USSR in 1991 political development of Ukraine was followed by the conflicts

  • heated debates went between supporters of the unitary device

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Внешняя и внутренняя политика Украины на современном этапе

Аннотация: В статье исследуется внутриполитическое развитие Украины, которое происходило за более чем четверть века современной истории, а также анализируются основные направления внешней политики страны. Острые дискуссии шли между сторонниками унитарного устройства Украины и приверженцами федерализации. Данная проблема была особенно актуальной для украинского государства, которое в силу исторического развития и формирования современной территории, унаследовало межрегиональные противоречия. Украинские элиты западных и восточных регионов выступали за унитарное развитие Украины, видя в этом возможность получения полного контроля над государственными институтами и финансовыми потоками. Несмотря на это, официальные украинские власти не изменили своего негативного отношения к возможности федерализации государства. Несмотря на непродолжительные периоды сближения с Россией, что усиливало критику со стороны оппозиционных сил, украинская власть придерживалась проевропейского курса, рассматривая его в качестве гарантии независимого развития и создания противовеса России. В конечном итоге, усиление антироссийской риторики со стороны официального Киева привело к охлаждению российско-украинских

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