
Foregutduplicationcystsareheterotopicrestsofforegut-derivedepitheliumthatareusually found in the abdomen and thorax but occur rarely in the head and neck. We describe the first case (to our knowledge) of a hypopharyngeal foregut duplication cyst containingbothgastricandpancreatictissue.Thecaseinvolvedaneonatewhowasborn with stridor and cyanosis and who required immediate intubation because of airway obstruction due to a large hypopharyngeal mass. Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography were helpful in localizing the lesion. Direct laryngoscopy revealed a 4.52.5-cm mass in the hypopharynx, originating 2 mm above the esophageal inlet. The mass was excised, which is the treatment of choice. We also review the literature and discuss the pathogenesis of foregut duplication cysts.

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