
| 227 assessed by immunoblot analysis. Cdk2 activity was determined in cdk2 immunoprecipates, by measuring the incorporation of radiolabelled phosphate into histone H1 by autoradiography. results: The inhibition of adipogenesis by J774-MacCM was confirmed, shown by the 87% reduction in triacylglycerol accumulation (p<0.05; n=3). There were no apparent changes in cdk2 expression over the first 48 hrs following addition of adipogenic inducers, in the absence or presence of J774-MacCM. Activity of cdk2 was measured at 20 hrs following induction of differentiation. Under standard differentiating conditions, cdk2 activity increased 5-fold (p<0.01; n=3) from control (non-diffferentiating). In the presence of J774-MacCM, the increase in cdk2 activity was strongly inhibited by 83% (p< 0.01; n=3). conclusion: J774-MacCM inhibits the increase in cdk2 activity and Rb phosphorylation that normally occurs in response to adipogenic inducers. reference: 1) Constant et al, Diabetologia 2006 49:1402-11 2) Yarmo et al, Exp Cell Res 2009 315:411-8 Insulin action glucose transport, receptors, cellular mechanisms No conflict of interest

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