
The global economy creates unequal conditions for the development of different countries in terms of their endowment with resources, the ability to use technologies, the availability of financing, etc. However, today a pool of countries with the most powerful and stable economies has been formed. Among these countries is Switzerland considered by most economists to be perhaps the most stable and predictable country in Europe. The prerequisites for this status are the implementation of a balanced financial, budgetary and foreign economic policy for a long time, and as a result, today Switzerland is an attractive investment destination and a fairly influential country in the international arena. A retrospective analysis of statistical data on the country's development with further forecasting of basic indicators makes it possible to form a general idea of the prospects for the development of the Swiss economy and determine how its development will take place in the context of implementing modern approaches to the formation of the smart economy of the future. The study used general scientific and special scientific research methods, adhered to the principles of objectivity, scientificity, specificity, and systematicity. To conduct the study, 26 of the most relevant scientific sources on the chosen topic were processed. Given the relevance of the study, its purpose was to specify the directions of further development of the Swiss economy based on a forecast of macroeconomic indicators, as well as to determine the factors of success of the state in the context of the modern smart economy and the general processes of digitalisation of economic life. As a result of the study, the following results were obtained: the main macroeconomic indicators which can be considered as a reflection of the economic situation in the State as a whole were identified, and accordingly, their forecast will allow forming a comprehensive picture of the state of the Swiss economy and financial sector; the selected macroeconomic indicators were forecasted; the prospects for the development of the macroeconomic situation in Switzerland in the context of modern economic life digitalisation and development of the smart economy were determined. The conclusions indicate that the obtained results will make it possible to identify the key factors of the success of the Swiss economy and to formulate directions for its further development in the context of the modern smart economy and digital technologies.

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