
The method of forecast slope rupture time has been developed on the basis of creep theory. The com parative study among the methods is useful for assessing of their properties.This paper composes of two parts. First, the forecast models of soil creep deformation and the rupture time of slope are reviewed. Secondly, their mecanical properties are discussed by means of the mathematical analysis.Models treated are as follows;1. The foundamental soil creep deformation(a) Singh & Michell's model: equ.(3)(b) Kennedy's model: equ.(6)(c) Komamura's model: equ.(7)2. The forecast slope rupture time(d) Saito & Uesawa's model: equ.(9)(e) Saito's model: equ.(11)(f) Fukuzono's model: equ.(13)(g)Kawamura's model: equ.(14)(h) Omura's model: equ.(19) or equ.(20)These models are classified with the range in the power number ‘n’ on the relationship between velocity and acceleration: (a) Kennedy's model and Komamura's model are n=1, (b) Fukuzono's model is 1<n<2, (c) Saito's model is n=2, (d) Omura's model is converged to n=2.

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