
This study herein, investigated whether the amount of algae in the biting midge habitats were related to the density of midge. Ten sampling sites were selected from Tao-Mi Village in Puli of Nantou County. Adult biting midges halted on investigator, s shanks were catched within 20 minutes using motor sucking collector. Meanwhile, algae from 4 cm^2 area around the sampling site was collected, and examined and identified using optical microscope. Results of biting midge showed that midge number in these sampling sites were between degree 3rd -5th; and sampling sites, 1 and 2 with proportion of 18.03% and 16.70%, respectively, out of total number belonging to degree 5th. When compared the biting midge density on each sampling sites with its relative distances, and showed no significant relationships between them. There are 15 genera involving 16 species algae were found in these sampling sites, in which 11 genera with 12 species are blue-green algae, three genera with 3 species are green algae, and one genus with one species is diatom. Twelve algal species in sampling site 9 is the highest, and three species in sampling site 5 is the lowest. Moreover, the proportion of individuals, 34.77%, in sampling site 5 is the highest and 2.41% in sampling site 5 is the lowest. With respect to algae quantity, the blue-green algae has the highest amount of 83.25% and the green algae has the lowest of 0.73%. Result of multidimensional scale analysis of algae showed that 10 sampling sites can be separated into 4 groups (p<0.05), in which the sampling sites 1, 2, and 5 each formed a separate group because of its peculiar algal composition and the remaining 7 sampling sites formed one group. For correlation analysis between 16 algae species and the biting midge density, the results showed that the biting midge density revealed some specific relationships with certain algae. It is having significant positive relationships with Nitszchia sp. of diatom (r=0.71), with Nostoc sp. and Raphidiopsis sp. of bluegreen algae (r>0.5), and negative relationships with the other two blue-green algae of Borzia sp.and Merismopedia sp. (r<-0.45). The algae with positive correlation (r>0.45) were chosen to be compared with the biting midge density for further correlation analysis, the algae exhibited significant relationship with midge density (r>0.7). When principal component analysis base on relative abundance of algae was performed, two principal factors representative 56.35% of total variance can be extracted. The major descriptive algae in factor 1 (or PCA1) are Cylindrospermopsis sp. and Aphanothece sp., which distributed mainly in the sampling site 1, and showed significant correlation (r>0.88). However, the descriptive algae in factor 2 are Gloeothece sp., Gonium sp., and Nostoc sp., which distributed mainly in the sampling site 2, and also showed significant correlation (r>0.91) in their pairwised comparisions.

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