
Foraminiferal analysis was carried out on forty (40) ditch cutting samples from BC-1 well in the Onshore, Western Niger Delta at depth intervals of 5590 ft. - 8300 ft. Lithologic description of the samples together with the gamma ray log analytical data indicated the presence of four lithostratigraphic units composed of shale, sandstone, sandy shale and shaly sand corresponding to the continental Benin and paralic Agbada Formations. A total of twelve (12) species defined into eleven (11) genera, six (6) subfamilies and eleven (11) families were recovered. Benthonic and planktonic foraminiferal species constitute approximately 82 % and 18 % respectively. The calcareous benthics make up 44.4 % while the arenaceous benthics representing 37.7% of the total foraminiferal assemblages. Foraminiferal index marker species - Globorotalia opima nana, Nonion oyae, Cassigerinella chipollensis and Spiroplectammina wrightiirevealed that the age of the studied well is from Late Eocene - Early Oligocene epoch. This indicated that both the planktonic and benthonic foraminiferal recovered from the well contained the transition between the Priabonian and the Rupelian age. Three (3) informal foraminiferal zone were established - Nonion oyae zone, Cassigerinella chipollensis zone and undiagnostic zone. The zones compares with foraminiferal markers species whose stratigraphic ranges are well established in the Niger Delta and globally.
 Keyword: Lithostratigraphic units, Agbada Formation, Eocene, Oligocene and Biozone.


  • The elementary component of biostratigraphy is the biozone, which is the stratigraphical units’ defined base on their fossil content. Armstrong and Brasier (2005)

  • *Corresponding Author Email: amiewalanflorence@gmail.com, aitalokhai.edegbai@uniben.edu indicate the transition between the Priabonian and the Rupelian age. This study integrated both the lithofacies and the index foraminiferal marker species with globally recognized planktic foraminiferal zonation schemes of Bolli and Saunders (1985) in addition with existing benthic foraminiferal zonation schemes of Berggren et al, (1995); Berggren and Pearson (2005); Hernitz Kučenjak, et al, (2006); Wade et al, (2011) and Berggren et al,(2018) to erect the biozonation and dating the sedimentary sequences penetrated by BC-1 well in the Greater Ughelli

  • This study examines the sedimentary units and foraminiferal species of the Late Eocene - Early Oligocene sediment from the Niger Delta Basin

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The elementary component of biostratigraphy is the biozone, which is the stratigraphical units’ defined base on their fossil content. Armstrong and Brasier (2005). Numerous foraminiferal biozonation studies have been carried out in the Niger Delta basin. Indicate the transition between the Priabonian and the Rupelian age This study integrated both the lithofacies and the index foraminiferal marker species with globally recognized planktic foraminiferal zonation schemes of Bolli and Saunders (1985) in addition with existing benthic foraminiferal zonation schemes of Berggren et al, (1995); Berggren and Pearson (2005); Hernitz Kučenjak, et al, (2006); Wade et al, (2011) and Berggren et al,(2018) to erect the biozonation and dating the sedimentary sequences penetrated by BC-1 well in the Greater Ughelli. This study examines the sedimentary units and foraminiferal species of the Late Eocene - Early Oligocene sediment from the Niger Delta Basin. The geographic coordinates of the studied well is Longitude E50 33' 36''.86 and Latitude N60 18' 25''.43. (Fig.1)

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