
At the Bajada del Jagüel and Opaso sections (Añelo low, Neuquén basin), the Maastrichtian to Danian mudstones of the Jagüel Formation, are overlain by a succession of ostreid coquinas, sandstones, and mudstones. This succession has been usually referred to the Roca Formation, a Paleocene marine unit with its type section located about 120 km to the southeast. A contrasting interpretation proposed by the late seventies suggests that the beds assigned to the Roca Formation in the Añelo low were actually the base of the overlying Barranca de los Loros Formation, of terrestrial paleoenvironment and Miocene age, and that their very abundant Paleocene invertebrate remains were reworked. In the present revision, the specimens of the foraminiferal family Elphidiidae recovered from a muddy horizon intercalated between the coquinas at the Opaso and Bajada del Jagüel sections, previously assigned to Protelphidium sp. cf. P. hofkeri Haynes, are identified as Porosononion granosum (d’Orbigny). Porosononion granosum is one of the most common foraminiferal species of the shallow Paranense transgression, which covered large part of Argentina during the middle-late Miocene. It has been traditionally referred to as Protelphidium tuberculatum (d’Orbigny) in Argentina. The occurrence of this species indicates that the coquinas, sandstones and mudstones overlying the Jagüel Formation at the Opaso and Bajada del Jagüel sections should not be assigned to the Roca Formation, but are related to the Miocene Paranense transgression, thus supporting the later stratigraphic interpretation. In the muddy horizon, Porosononion granosum constitutes a monospecific assemblage, and its paleoenvironment might be either marginal marine or lacustrine. The elphidiid specimens from the Roca Formation at the Sierras Blancas area, ca. 12 km southwest from the Opaso section, remain identified as Protelphidium sp. cf. P. hofkeri. Both species, P. sp. cf. P. hofkeri and P. granosum, are described and illustrated, and paleoenvironmental and paleogeographic features are considered.


  • Miocene foraminifera from the Neuquén Basin, Argentina: stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental implications

  • A contrasting interpretation proposed by the late seventies suggests that the beds assigned to the Roca Formation in the Añelo low were the base of the overlying Barranca de los Loros Formation, of terrestrial paleoenvironment and Miocene age, and that their very abundant Paleocene invertebrate remains were reworked

  • The specimens of the foraminiferal family Elphidiidae recovered from a muddy horizon intercalated between the coquinas at the Opaso and Bajada del Jagüel sections, previously assigned to Protelphidium sp. cf

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A partir del Maastrichtiano y durante el Cenozoico, la Patagonia estuvo expuesta a varias transgresiones de origen atlántico, de carácter epicontinental y con amplio desarrollo de paleoambientes de plataforma interna y marinos marginales. Estos paleoambientes condicionaron la composición de las asociaciones de foraminíferos, con frecuentes y abundantes géneros típicos de ambientes someros como Elphidium, Cribrorotalia, Notorotalia y Protelphidium, pertenecientes a la familia Elphidiidae (Malumián y Náñez, 2011). Las especies asignadas al género Protelphidium en la Argentina provienen de las sedimentitas depositadas por la transgresión maastrichtiana-daniana, y particularmente de las sedimentitas de la transgresión del Mioceno medio-superior, denominada Paranense o Entrerriense. Este género ha sido comúnmente dominante en asociaciones que representan ambientes muy marginales e inestables. La proximidad morfológica entre especies de gran variabilidad y la frecuencia de ejemplares teratológicos como respuesta a ambientes extremos, sumados en ciertos casos a la deficiente preservación, han dificultado su identificación

Objetivo del trabajo
Marco geológico y antecedentes estratigráficos
Barranca de los Loros 20m
El género Protelphidium y morfotipos similares en la Argentina
Material y métodos
Revisión taxonómica
Río Colorado 2
Retrabajo versus in situ
Paleogeografía y paleoambiente
Paleontología sistemática
Full Text
Paper version not known

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