
Seasonal fluctuations in marine prey availability aroundbreedingcoloniesareoneofthemajorfactorsaffecting resident behaviour in seabirds. This is particularly applicable to large gulls (Larus spp.). The effect of refuse management on large gulls has been studied chiefly in relation to breeding dynamics, but it is less understood with regard to movement patterns. Our aim was to test whether the closure of one large dump andtheuse offalconryto detergull access to two others, within the southeastern Bay of Biscay area, affected the forag- ing distance of local yellow-legged gulls (Larus michahellis). During a period of seven consecutive winters between 2005 and 2011, the proportion of gulls that moved less than 50 km from their natal site was 70 %. However, during the winter of 2010, when they were deterred from accessing refuse tips within the region, gulls were found to travel longer distances. This result was explained neither by a decreasing survey effort near colonies nor by a decrease in apparent availability of marine prey, thus supporting the hypothesis that refuse man- agement within the region influenced the movement patterns of local gulls.

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