
Foraging spatial segregation is frequent in central-place foragers during the breeding season, but very few studies have investigated foraging spatial segregation between adjacent sub-colonies. Here, we assessed for within-colony differences in the at-sea distribution, habitat use, trophic ecology and chick growth data of two Calonectris colonies differing in size, and breeding in two different environments in the North Atlantic Ocean. For this, we GPS tracked 52 Cory's shearwaters (Calonectris borealis) breeding in 2 small sub-colonies at Berlenga Island (Portugal) and 59 Cape Verde shearwaters (Calonectris edwardsii) breeding in 2 sub-colonies differing greatly in size at Raso Islet (Cabo Verde), over 2 consecutive breeding seasons (2017-2018), during chick-rearing. Cory's shearwaters from the two sub-colonies at Berlenga Island broadly overlapped in repeatedly used foraging patches close to the colony. In contrast, the foraging distribution of Cape Verde shearwaters was partially segregated in the colony surroundings, but overlapped at distant foraging areas off the west coast of Africa. Despite spatial segregation close to the colony, Cape Verde shearwaters from both sub-colonies departed in similar directions, foraged in similar habitats and exhibited mostly short trips within the archipelago of Cabo Verde. These results, corroborated with similar trophic ecology and chick growth rates between sub-colonies, support the idea that foraging spatial segregation in the colony surroundings was not likely driven by interference competition or directional bias. We suggest that high-quality prey patches are able to shape travel costs and foraging distribution of central-place foragers from neighbouring sub-colonies.

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