
1. To examine the effects of predators and plant genotype on the behaviour, patterns of herbivory, growth, and survivorship of caterpillars, an experiment was conducted under semi-natural conditions, with two host plant genotypes (low vs. high iridoid glycosides) of plantain Plantago lanceolata, two kinds of herbivores (noncryptic specialist Junonia coenia vs. cryptic generalist Pyrrharctia isabella), and two levels of caterpillar predation (with and without Podisus maculiventris stinkbugs). 2. Choice tests conducted in the laboratory showed that in three out of four cases, caterpillars preferred leaves from the low iridoid glycoside genotype. 3. In the field experiment, the presence of predators affected the amount of leaf material eaten per plot and the proportion of leaf material eaten by the caterpillars as expected, but it did not affect the use of plant genotypes by Junonia caterpillars within the plots. In contrast, the caterpillar density–predation treatments affected the proportion of leaves eaten by Pyrrharctia caterpillars that were of the low iridoid glycoside genotype, but not entirely as expected. The caterpillars used both genotypes equally when predators were present but the high iridoid glycoside genotype was used more by caterpillars at low density and without predators. 4. The message then is that on the scale that caterpillars could be choosy about intake of iridoid glycosides they were not choosy among plant genotypes; however they were choosy between leaves, which can differ in iridoid glycoside concentration via plant genotype and leaf age.

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