
We monitored use of plants and habitat in a population of thamin (Cervis eldi thamin) in Chatthin Wildlife Sanctuary in central Myanmar from 1996 through 1999. Habitat use within the deciduous dipterocarp forest was monitored by radiotracking 19 individuals during daylight hours and conducting biannual fecal pellet surveys along 87 km of marked transects. Habitat abundance was determined by classifying a LANDSAT image of the region, collecting vegetation parameters at 201 plots located within the sanctuary, and pacing habitat types along marked transects. Thamin consumed primarily forbs, grasses, and agricultural crops but also fruits of 8 common tree species. Thamin used dipterocarp forest habitat but showed some seasonal shifts and distinct individual differences in habitat use. Except during of the mating season (January–April), females were found more often in degraded forests and closer to crops than males. Sex differences in habitat selection were due to either female selection of habitats with lower predation risk or increased nutritional needs associated with lactation.

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