
Originally, the beta-blockers were equally ranked alongside the other antihypertensive drug classes. Things changed when two major long-term randomized controlled trials, ASCOT-BPLA and LIFE showed that the patients receiving the beta-blockers based regimes suffered 25-30% more strokes than those receiving a calcium channel blocker based regime or an angiotensin receptor blocker based regime. The inferiority of the beta-blockers at stroke prevention was not due to differences in blood pressure control during the follow-up period in both trials. The 2023 European Society of Hypertension (ESH) guidelines still argue in favour of beta-blockers that their clinical inferiority was simply to lesser blood pressure reduction rather than class effect. The analysis argues that the return of beta-blockers as a first-line option for the management of uncomplicated hypertension by the ESH is a cause for concern and should be reconsidered.

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