
There is growing respect for and recognition of te ao Mäori within Aotearoa’s environmental policy and management space. However, to ensure that Aotearoa can build a better future equitably a ‘tika transition’ must be realised, wherey iwi, hapü and Mäori (the rangatiratanga sphere) and the Crown (kawanatanga sphere) exist within distinct and equal political entities, with the rangatiratanga sphere leading and governing tikanga and mätauranga Mäori policy and legislation. We examine two prominent environmental issues – sea level rise and taonga species protection – facing iwi, hapü, Mäori and the Crown, exploring the barriers, solutions and positive steps towards a ‘tika transition’ in each area. We recommend that policy and legislation include stronger instruments for shared decision making and specific funding for iwi, hapü and mana whenua to strengthen the rangatiratanga sphere. It is acknowledged that the barriers and solutions are interconnected and will rely on good relationship building and trust, power sharing and knowledge sharing, and policy and legislation that allows for and supports the rangatiratanga sphere as its own distinct space for tikanga-based governance and jurisdiction.

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