
1. Introduction Daniel Parnell and David Richardson 2. Corporate social responsibility and social partnerships in professional football Geoff Walters and Mark Panton 3. Little United and the Big Society: negotiating the gaps between football, community and the politics of inclusion Annabel Kiernan and Chris Porter 4. Growing the football game: the increasing economic and social relevance of older fans and those with disabilities in the European football industry Juan Luis Paramio Salcines, John Grady and Phil Downs 5. Fit Fans: perspectives of a practitioner and understanding participant health needs within a health promotion programme for older men delivered within an English Premier League Football Club Daniel David Bingham, Daniel Parnell, Kathryn Curran, Roger Jones and Dave Richardson 6. Effect of a health-improvement pilot programme for older adults delivered by a professional football club: the Burton Albion case study Andy Pringle, Daniel Parnell, Stephen Zwolinsky, Jackie Hargreaves and Jim McKenna 7. 'I just want to watch the match' - a practitioner's reflective account of men's health themed match day events at an English Premier League football club Kathryn Curran, Barry Drust and Dave Richardson 8. Ethnographic engagement from within a Football in the Community programme at an English Premier League football club Kathryn Curran, Daniel David Bingham, David Richardson and Daniel Parnell 9. 'Motivate': the effect of a Football in the Community delivered weight loss programme on over 35-year old men and women's cardiovascular risk factors Zoe Rutherford, Brendan Gough, Sarah Seymour-Smith, Christopher R. Matthews, John Wilcox, Dan Parnell and Andy Pringle 10. Assessing the impact of football-based health improvement programmes: stay onside, avoid own goals and score with the evaluation! Andy Pringle, Jackie Hargreaves, Lorena Lozano, Jim McKenna and Stephen Zwolinsky

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