
Foot deformities may reflect a generalized disorder, especially a neurologic problem; thus, the child should have a brief general examination. Many infantile foot deformities, such as calcaneovalgus, are postural and self-correcting. Metatarsus varus is not referred for treatment until age 2 months and then only if the deformity is moderate or severe. Fixed forefoot equinus and heel varus characterize a clubfoot, which requires immediate treatment. Corrective shoes are not advised as the primary treatment for metatarsus varus or clubfoot but often are prescribed to maintain the corrected position after serial casts. Flexible flatfoot is a manifestation of a constitutional laxity affecting all ligaments and joints. The feet appear abnormal because of weight-bearing stresses. Most children with flatfoot achieve a partial correction spontaneously. Current research does not document that treatment with corrective shoes or inserts produces a result better than the partial correction that occurs naturally.

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