
AbstractMost hybrid catfish, ♀Ictalurus punctatus × ♂Ictalurus furcatus, producers stock 18‐ to 19‐cm fingerlings in single‐batch production. While stocking smaller fingerlings would be less expensive, the economic trade‐offs of using smaller fingerlings is unknown. Two sizes of hybrid catfish fingerlings (13‐cm and 19‐cm) were stocked in single‐size treatments at 9884 head/ha and a multi‐size treatment with each size stocked at 9884 head/ha (total 19,768 head/ha). In the 13‐cm and 19‐cm single‐size treatments, 87 and 98%, respectively, reached market size in one season. In the multi‐size treatment, 77% of all fish stocked reached market size, demonstrating that more than half of the 13‐cm fish reached market size in this treatment. Gross, net, and marketable yields were significantly greater in the multi‐size treatment when compared to the 13‐cm or 19‐cm single‐size treatments, but were not significantly different between the two single‐size treatments. The 19‐cm single‐size treatment resulted in greater break‐even prices and economic risk than the other two treatments. This study demonstrated that 13‐cm hybrid catfish fingerlings can be raised economically in both single‐ and multi‐size production systems in the southern USA.

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