
Abstract Objectives General. Apply a survey in the population of Morelos, to identify habits, customs, and attitudes about the consumption of vegetables and that allow the recommendation of hydroponic crops. Particularly, to assess household food insecurity; to determine the type and quantity of vegetables available for human consumption in the home; and to calculate a variety index of the diet. Methods The study design is a cross-sectional descriptive, which will be carried out during the months of March to June 2022. The towns of San Isidro and La Nopalera were selected, both located on the outskirts of the municipality of Yautepec, Morelos. They were previously chosen for being rural localities, historically marginalized. The town of San has 1,153 inhabitants and 267 households. About 600 inhabitants live in the locality of La nopalera, with 217 households, most of them dedicated to the cultivation of sorghum, corn and agave, and the exploitation of palm and wood. A survey in a convenience sample of households will be applied, including the assessment of food security, food consumption, census of food available at home, cultivation of backyard vegetables and knowledge, attitudes, and practices about hydroponics. As a requirement, it will be necessary for the interviewers to be previously trained. An informed consent will be applied. Results Expected results: Sociodemographic characteristics of the respondents; Housing conditions; Food safety; Food Consumption; Diet diversity index; Census of food available in the household; and Knowledge, attitudes and practices about vegetables and hydroponics. Conclusions To determinate food security and household food consumption patterns are relevant to promote hydroponics and better eating habits in an effort to improve the nutritional status of the population. Funding Sources This work was supported by National Council of Science and Technology (grant number 317,577) and the National Polytechnic Institute.

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