
AbstractCurrent strategies for ensuring food is safe for the consumer involve a number of programs for food safety management including policies to safeguard against terrorist food threats. The aims of this chapter is to introduce the main elements of food safety management. The chapter is divided into six sections. (1) Good management practices (GMP); general principles, basic provisions for GMP, building and facilities for GMP, GMP and equipment, GMP and production – process control. (2) Good Agricultural Practices (GAP); water use and GAP, manure and biosolids, GAP and personal hygiene. (3) Sanitation performance standards; revised sanitation standards, construction sanitation performance standards, lighting and ventilation sanitations standards. (4) Other hygiene codes, the food code – United States, Codex Alimentarious food hygiene code, food hygiene in European Union, (5) Hazard analysis critical control point, HACCP in the United States, reasons for HACCP non-compliance, HACCP in developing countries, seven stages of HACCP, (6). Future food safety management, integrated food safety, FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), Threat analysis critical control point (TACCP) and vulnerability analysis critical control points (VACCP) for food threats. With 45 references.

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