
Since Britain, with a population of 800 people to the square mile, imports two-thirds of her food supply as measured in calories, or one-half as measured in value, her food requirements must of necessity dominate her trade policy. Although the introduction of labor-saving machinery, the greater use of fertilizer, and the experimental work of British scientists have all helped to increase agricultural production, still climatic conditions and the limited amount of farmland (only slightly over half an acre per head) place restrictions on what British farmers can do. They can meet most of the requirements for such foods as bacon, eggs, and milk, which can be produced on a small land area, and they can increase their production of fruits and vegetables through more use of glass-houses. But for most meats and food grains, Britain must rely on overseas trade. In trade consultations with Britain, the United States should recognize this fact and not expect Britain to join us in applying economic sanctions without some compensation, perhaps in the form of special privileges in her trade with this country.

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