
Cyclic parthenogenesis (heterogony) is a widespread reproductive mode found in diverse taxa such as digenean trematodes, gall wasps, gall midges, aphids, cladocerans and rotifers. It is of particular interest as it combines the advantages of asexual reproduction (rapid population growth) and sexual reproduction (recombination). Usually sexual reproduction is initiated when, or slightly before, environmental conditions deteriorate, and often results in the production of resting stages. The optimal timing of diapause induction must thus be under strong natural selection. Using the cladoceran Daphnia as a model system, we show here for the first time that the switch from parthenogenetic to sexual reproduction in a cyclical parthenogenetic organism can be influenced by the chemical composition of food. Under crowding conditions Daphnia reproduced parthenogenetically with subitaneous eggs when fed the algal species Cryptomonas sp., but started the production of resting eggs when fed with the green algal species Scenedesmus obliquus. Supplementation experiments with lipids and especially proteins showed that the induction of resting egg production in two clones of different Daphnia species was due to a dietary deficiency in the green alga. Hence, the low food quality induced a switch in the reproductive mode that may contribute to optimal timing of the sexual reproduction of Daphnia in nature. Furthermore, our results have two other major implications: first, they suggest that protein compounds should be added to the list of diet constituents potentially limiting or influencing Daphnia reproduction. Second, we show that the role of food quality goes far beyond the up to now documented effects of food quality on somatic growth and trophic transfer efficiency of herbivores: due to its effects on sexual reproduction and the production of resting eggs, food quality might influence genetic diversity and long-term persistence of Daphnia in lakes.

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