
In conclusion we may state that a borderline vitamin deficiency exists in many population groups as well as in single persons even in industrialized countries. The reason for this fact is mainly the low education which is often associated with a low socioeconomic status and certain food patterns which derive from tradition, emotion or from other reasons not yet well understood. We have proved that the avoidance of pork and whole-wheat bread leads to a borderline vitamin B1 deficiency and the avoidance of citrus fruits, fruits, vegetables, viscera and potatoes to a broderline vitamin C deficiency. On the other hand, preference of meat did not show any adverse effect in respect to the vitamin B6 status. We believe that this kind of studies has to be continued, since the aim of nutritional surveys should consist in improving the nutritional status of the general population or of population groups. Therefore, it should be investigated why in certain population groups poor nutrition exists. Only the answer to this question could help us to combat malnutrition in industrialized countries in the best way.

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