
Abstract One of the key barriers to the development of public health policies, such as restrictions on marketing of unhealthy foods to children, is the influence of corporations, also known as corporate political activity' (CPA). This project aimed to identify the CPA of the food industry in Brazil, Colombia and Chile, over a 2-year period. This research consisted of a document analysis of publicly available information triangulated with interviews. It contributed to, and was based on methods developed by INFORMAS (International Network for Food and Obesity / non-communicable Diseases Research, Monitoring and Action Support), which aims to monitor food environments. In all three countries, the food industry lobbied against public health policies and had direct access to high ranking officials and policy makers. It also shifted the blame away from its products in the obesity and non-communicable diseases epidemic onto individuals and their lack of education. In Brazil, the food industry was active against a new front-of-pack labeling, setting up its own website to promote an alternative model and self-regulation. In Colombia, the food industry captured the media and had strong ties with the government, including through nutrition programmes. Public health advocates felt unsafe when speaking against the industry or its products. In Chile, despite advances with the introduction of public health policies to limit the sales and marketing of unhealthy products, the food industry, including the sweeteners industry, which was not affected by the recent legislation, was still influencing policy, research and practice. Food industry actors, including local companies and transnationals, used several CPA strategies in Latin America to try and influence public health policy, research and practice. It is urgent that policy makers, academics and other individuals in public health are aware of these practices and equipped with solutions to address undue influence by the food industry Key messages In Latin America, the food industry used several CPA practices, which collectively could have a negative influence on public health policy, research and practice. These practices could delay efforts to protect and promote public health in the region.

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