
In recent times, the primary approach to treating food allergies involved strict avoidance of the triggering allergen. Many considered this approach as lacking true treatment, leaving patients vulnerable to even small amounts or hidden sources of the allergenic food. Desensitization or Oral Tolerance Induction (OTI) is a studied method aiming for a lasting tolerance to the allergen. The ultimate goal is permanent tolerance, where allergic reactions won't reoccur after new exposure to the triggering allergen, following a period of abstinence. The research mainly focuses on allergen-specific immunotherapy, covering three routes: oral, sublingual, and epicutaneous immunotherapy. Milk, egg, and peanuts are the extensively studied foods due to their prevalence in allergies. The oral route is favored for inducing tolerance because ingestion of a food antigen by a non-allergic individual triggers an active immune response without causing an allergic reaction. The paradigm has shifted from recommending avoidance to early consumption strategies to prevent allergies. The period from 4 to 6 months of age is considered immunologically sensitive, where children with risk factors show increased allergic sensitization risk. Implementing these recommendations, considering family and community preferences, may reduce the burden of food allergies and healthcare costs.

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