
Pinyon jays (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus) have a complex social system that may require a complex communication system. They need to interact with multiple flock members, and they form life-long pair-bonds. We researched whether pinyon jays would selectively vocalize depending on the presence or absence of food and certain flock members. We recorded the vocalizations of nine pinyon jays (four pair-bonds and one single male) in response to different audience types. The calls of the test bird were recorded after it was given either an empty food cup or one containing 50 pinyon pine (Pinus edulis) seeds, and the bird was in the presence of one of the following audience types: (1) two males and two females including subject's mate; (2) two males and two females excluding subject's mate; (3) four males excluding mate; (4) three females excluding mate; and (5) no audience. Birds gave fewer calls when there was food. When alone, birds called in a manner that may maximize long-distance transmission. Trends indicate that birds call differently to their mate. A sex effect was also found in that males and females called in a distinct manner, possibly reflecting differences in dominance status. Overall, birds responded to the presence or absence of an audience.

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