
Food and water security are directly linked through the agricultural sector and food production and processing. Increasing stresses on food and water resources, influenced by factors such as population growth and climate change, threaten global food and water security. Previous studies have attempted to address this issue with the development of various modeling frameworks, often combining food security and water security models to address the inter-relationship between the two concepts. This study first introduces some of the background and foundational principles behind food and water security models, then critically reviews models that jointly analyze the two concepts. Initially, the dynamic definitions and historic development of water and food security concepts are reviewed. Current global hydrological models and food production/consumption models are then discussed to provide requisite background on available modeling platforms that separately assess water and food security. This study then focuses on an evaluation of ten models that assess food and water security from an interdisciplinary perspective, providing in-depth analysis regarding input parameters, model processes, advantages and limitations. Results suggest that there is a need to further develop input datasets as well as spatial and temporal resolution in existing food and water security models. This will provide the foundation for the development of effective policies and strategies to mitigate future food and water security issues, while considering the protection of the natural environment.

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